General Rules

When you visit, browse or use this site, you declare that you understand and accepts the same rights and obligations as the legal equivalent of a signed written contract between the parties and acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms of that treaty. Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd. reserves the right to change these terms at any time and for any reason and if you continue to use this Site after such changes will be deemed to consent and acceptance of the changed terms and content of this contract. This site uses cookies. To work properly you must enable cookies in your browser.


Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd ensures that your personal information submitted in the course of the purchase will be securely protected. In no event and under any pretext, we will not sell or provide your personal information to a third party. We are committed to only use this information in the process of implementation and execution of your order and in need of help in your future orders. By default certain authorized third parties involved in payments, delivery and other activities related to the performance of your orders with access to parts of our database that are related to the performance of their duties.


Unless otherwise stated, all content of this site, including text, graphics, photos and logos are the property of Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd and are protected by international laws on copyright protection.


All information related to the goods and services offered on this site is monitored daily and independently by the management of Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd, and the site administrators. However, information relating to the characteristics of certain goods and services on this site may contain some inaccuracies, spelling or typographical errors and outdated data. Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd reserves the right to modify or replace any information, materials, products or services described in this site at any time and for any reason. Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd is not responsible and will not honor claims based on typographical or pricing errors on this site. Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd. reserves the right to refuse orders at any time, including orders that contain incorrect prices or false description of the product; contracts for which the Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd has doubts that are in violation of the laws and orders that Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd believes that are detrimental to its interests. Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd. reserves the right to restrict the supply of products or the number of the number of orders from one person committed through this site.


All goods purchased from the site of Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd, shall be sent by courier services. For any loss or breach the integrity of the goods during shipment is solely responsible for the courier service. By signing the receipt for acceptance of goods, you confirm that you have received the goods in kind, quantity and quality to meet your order at the Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd.


Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd welcomes any comments about your experience in examining and shopping on its site, and your suggestions on improving the content, structure or other elements of the site. Any comments, ideas and suggestions on the content, programming or anything relating to this site will be considered as property of Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd and Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd will have the right to use, distribute, promote and sell such ideas and suggestions without the express permission of the author - in any form, shape and technology now known or hereafter bearer and waives any claims for rights to these ideas and proposals now and in the future.


This site is created and controlled by Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd, incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. Legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria will apply in respect of those rights and obligations. All disputes arising under the present agreement and the ensuing rights and obligations will be settled amicably through negotiations. Failing agreement within one month will apply resolved by a court in the Republic of Bulgaria, and all parties agree explicitly that they accept the jurisdiction of that court.

Overall agreement

These rights and obligations, together with self-commitments of Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd. warranties, dispatch, security policy and similar obligations assumed by us in this website constitute the entire agreement between you and Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd.


All sales of products from the online store of Healthy Foods and Drinks Ltd, including those requested by phone or email, are performed under conditions of order, delivery, payment, warranties and complaints posted on this website.